Pho is one of the most iconic Vietnamese food. When you are in ho Chi Minh City, you will easily find the Pho shop in almost every street with many variety of taste and presentation. Most people like is this Pho Bo - noodle soup with sliced beef or beef balls or beef tendon being serve with the noodle and the broth; will invent the name of the pho itself. Pho Bo means pho with sliced beef, Pho Ga means pho with boiled chicken meat. Many variation like the pho soup served with chicken liver, beef liver, fish cake, fish balls, etc. Here I tried my own recipe of the soup. Relatively you just follow your wish to create your very own ingredients to serve your pho soup, but the taste of the broth should becoming an iconic of the dish. Please try this recipe bellow!
Makes about 6 servings
600 grams of fresh pho noodles
cups of pho broth
grams of thinly sliced beef tenderloin, black to rare
pieces of sliced bird’s eye chilies
pepper powder to sprinkle
For the broth
kilogram of clean beef bone, quick blanched
inch of fresh grilled ginger, sliced
inch of fresh grilled galangal, sliced
pieces of dried star anise
pieces of dried cloves
and pepper to taste
piece of halved grilled onion
cloves of grilled garlic
cup of fish sauce
teaspoons of rock sugar
cups of beef stock
For the topping and garnishes
cup sliced onions
tablespoons of chopped spring onions
cup sliced coriander leaves
cup sliced saw leaves
cup picked anise basil leaves
cup of raw clean white bean sprouts
pieces of beef balls (optional)
To serve
sliced of lime wedges
tablespoons of black bean sauce
tablespoons of chili sauce
About the image above: pho broth being poured to the bowl
About the image above: a bowl of pho with beef, beef tendon and meat balls
To prepare the
broth: in a pot, combine the blanched beef bones with the beef stock, ginger,
galangal, dried star anise, dried cloves, onion, garlic and bring to the boil.
As soon as start to boil, reduce the heat to simmering point. Cook slowly the bones for about 1½ hours to
make sure you get the maximum flavor of the beef. Skim the surface of the stock
occasionally. Season the broth with the fish sauce, sugar, salt and pepper.
Discard the bone and strain the broth. Check the seasonings and keep the broth
warm for later use.
To assembly the pho noodle soup: In a pho bowl
(medium large bowl), place the fresh pho cellophane noodles followed by the
bean sprouts, sliced beef, sliced onions, spring onions and the herbs and the
sliced bird’s eye chilies. Pour the very hot broth into the bowl of the noodle
to ¾ of the volume of the noodle, so you can see the noodle and the garnishes
on it. Sprinkle with some black pepper on it and serve with the lime wedges in
one small bowl and the black bean sauce plus chili sauce in the other small
bowl. Enjoy your amazing Vietnamese pho bo!
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