Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Prawns and Squids Lemongrass Salad

8 pieces blanched prawns, peeled and clean
20 pieces blanched squids
3-4 tablespoons dressing

About the image above: Prawns and Squids Lemongrass Salad

For the dressing
3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1½-tablespoon fish sauce
4-5 pieces clean shallots finely chopped
12 pieces mint leaves, finely chopped
4 pieces basil leaves, finely chopped
3 stalks lemongrass, chopped white part only

For the garnish
2 pieces lemongrass stalks, halved
1 teaspoon chopped capsicums
8 pieces laksa leaves or basil leaves

To boil the prawns and squids: prepare a bouillon or water with some lime juice, salt, basil stalks, lemongrass stalks, mint stalk and sliced carrot. Bring to the boil and taste if the bouillon has enough salt. Boil the prawn with shell and the squid has already clean. Cook the prawns and squids separately. As soon as it cooks, plunge it into an iced water to stop the cooking. Peel the prawns and clean the vein. Keep in a clean bowl in the fridge.

For the dressing: combine and whisk all of the ingredients in a clean bowl. Check the taste if needs some adjustment and then keep aside for later use.

To prepare the salad: toss the boiled prawns and squids in a bowl with the dressing. Leave for about half an hour in the fridge to make sure the salad and the dressing merge the taste.

To serve the salad: use an oval plate or other plate you wish and keep your presentation simple and clean. Garnish with some lemongrass and fresh herb. Makes 4 servings.

Helpful hints: when you boil the prawns and squids make sure do not over cook them and cook only when you need to make the salad at the same day or at least an hour before you mixing the salad, so the taste will be so fresh. The dressing you can prepare earlier, about few hours before. No problem. The lemongrass should be chopped as fine as you can, this will give you a smooth texture.

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